Most Peeped Thrills This Week

Tuesday 24 July 2012

R.I.P Margaret Mahy

One of my earliest memories is of my dad taking me out at night when I was about 5 years old to hear Margaret Mahy read stories at the Dunedin Library. I don't remember what she read but my memories of the night are magical. My younger sisters and brother had to go to bed while I was allowed to put on my favourite skirt suit (I called it my Princess Di outfit. It was 1983) and go out with my dad. I remember their were stars in the sky. I remember the library all lit up and transformed by dark. And I remember this woman sitting in the corner of the library, full of magic and wonder, weaving a different world into our minds while we sat there. 

A friend of mine posted this great animated video of one of her stories on Facebook last night. It brings back so many great memories. Play it for your kids today and let her stories secure themselves in their memories too.

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