Most Peeped Thrills This Week

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Stuff To Do This Weekend

On Saturday the Pick & Mix free concert and workshops at the Aotea Centre is going all Brazilian with Capoeira Madinga Aotearoa and the Brazilian Divas. Both groups will be performing and then after a short break you choose either a Samba workshop with the Divas or a Capoeira workshop. Capoeira Madinga actually do weekly classes for kids during the school term right in the city so this could be a good way for you to check it out and see if the kids are into it.

I've seen some of those Divas out at night by the way and I can confirm that they are amazing dancers so this should be a great show! 

Also on this weekend....

The Camera exhibition is still on at the museum. Activities for kids and a giant camera to climb inside. 

Today's the last day the Flower Chandelier will be exhibited at the Auckland Art Gallery! Go stare at the giant, trippy Alice In Wonderland type flowers open and close one more time. There are usually craft activities for the whole family happening in the same area. I'd recommend conning a relative/friend/impressionable neighbour into staying there with the kids while you go watch a free screening of Dirty Bloody Hippies! It's only one hour so it shouldn't take too much conning. 

Head back to the Gallery on Sunday to see Kent Mori and Andrew Deihl perform some acoustic guitar stuff from 2 - 3pm 

The Department Store in Takapuna is having a market day today from 10 - 2pm. Cakes, homemade jam, vintage clothes and specials. And while you're there go check out the wonderful new McKenzies project. Hanging out in Takapuna is becoming so much more than just tolerable! We had a delicious lunch at Mexico the other day. Sooo happy there's one on the Shore now. 

Happy First Day Of Spring everyone (even if the last day of winter was in fact nicer). Have a great weekend!

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