Most Peeped Thrills This Week

Friday 25 November 2011

Popping my Santa Parade cherry

So, last year Haeata and I went along to our first ever Farmers Santa Parade. The parade is at 2pm so I thought I'd beat the crowds and get there at 1:30. I think I might have even thrown a few snacks and a bottle of water in my bag.

I didn't know, people, I didn't know. 

Nobody told me that people turn up there hours before hand and set up camp like they intend on staying right there on Queen St for the rest of the week. Nobody told me that it's totally acceptable to bring a large picnic mat, umbrellas, a small tent even. Nobody told me that since you're going to be hanging there for a few hours before the thing even starts you might as well just leave those pathetic little snacks at home and bring a fully packed chilly bin. And I'm pretty sure nobody told me that since you're going to waiting around all that time you should probably bring a deck chair. And sunscreen. 

Well, now I know and so do all of you! The weather is supposed to be pretty fantastic on Sunday and the central roads are closed from 12pm so you might as well head in early and make a day of it. Check out that above link for the parade route and other handy tips. 

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